The Joy of Teaching

Sharing creative ideas and lessons to help children learn

10 Ways to Save Money with Evan-Moor E-books


image that says 10 ways to save money with Evan-Moor e-booksEvery homeschooler (and teacher) I know enjoys saving money. Personally, I have found that Evan-Moor provides quality activities at a very reasonable cost. Here are 10 ways to save money by using Evan-Moor e-books:

  1. Explore e-book sample pages and free resources from the Evan-Moor website to see how much fun your children will have learning before you purchase.
  2. The instant download of e-books prevents having to drive to the store. This saves me time and fuel.
  3. Print only the pages that your child needs to practice or review.
  4. One e-book purchase can be used for multiple children as each child reaches the skill level of the e-book.
  5. View e-books on the computer screen and use no paper or ink.
  6. Once e-books are downloaded, students can add “sticky notes” to show their work to save paper, as well as making it quick and easy for parents to assess their child’s learning.
  7. Quickly search e-books for skills you want to teach, to be certain of exactly what resources you have. By quickly verifying what skills are taught in Evan-Moor’s e-books, you can make sure you are not wasting money buying additional resources unnecessarily.
  8. Students can take a screenshot of their work on the computer screen to create an electronic portfolio. Another bonus: the students are gaining technology skills, too.
  9. After we have completed activities in e-books, we go back and change the numbers or think of new questions to ask. This is a great money-saving tip with any resource! Homeschoolers can easily create different levels of difficulty for students of various skill levels. Simply use Adobe’s Comment and Mark-Up Tool Bar.
  10. Save just the pages you want to assign and easily share via your family’s home network.

BONUS TIP – Be sure to subscribe to Evan-Moor’s newsletter and follow Evan-Moor on Pinterest for more free resources.

Now, it’s your turn. What is your favorite way to save money on teaching resources? Please post your favorite tip in the comments. We would love to learn from your experience.

Contributing Writer

Amy Michaels is a certified teacher with 11 years of elementary classroom experience who is actively homeschooling her own children. Her mission is share the best teaching methods and resources with all homeschoolers. Amy supports parents through her podcasts, webinars, and online training for homeschoolers on her website

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