As soon as the first wildflowers start to bloom, there is one game that appears in our homeschool room each year. My kids really enjoy solving the logic puzzles (their exact quote was “This is SO fun! I really like these puzzles.”). I am thrilled that this game is great for improving their logic skills!
Using logic skills is essential for both kids and adults to thrive in life! However, actually teaching our kids to use logic is something that is easily forgotten.
To teach logic, I use one of my very favorite Evan-Moor resources, Hands-on Thinking Activities (available for Grades 1—3 and Grades 4—6). I make sure to use it throughout the year. The full-color printables, which are part of the game, make it even more eye-catching for the kids.
In the spring, we play the Find the Flower game. I simply cut out each numbered flower and space them out on a table. Then my kids use the printable sheet of clues to reason which flower matches each set of clues.
It is so simple, but the benefits are truly grand. The kids are so focused; their brains are thinking and their problem-solving skills are sharpening! My kids really do enjoy doing activities from Hands-on Thinking Activities. I aim for all of my activities to engage my kids this much.
If you haven’t tried Hands-on Thinking Activities, it is my favorite Evan-Moor resource. It is the first Evan-Moor book that caught my attention years ago, and it has been a hit with my kids every time I have used it.
Hands-on Thinking Activities is the perfect resource for workbox activities. I make sure I add it to my list of activities we do each month so that my kids are actively practicing logic in fun ways they enjoy.
Also, keep in mind that you can get instant access to both levels of Hands-on Thinking Activities by joining TeacherFileBox. You can try TeacherFileBox for free, too! Once you join, click on “Browse by Title” to search for Hands-on Thinking Activities. You will find all the activities inside the book listed for you to click and print.
What do you think? Do your kids like solving puzzle clues? Tell me in the comment section.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Amy Michaels is a certified teacher with 11 years of elementary classroom experience who is actively homeschooling her own children. Her mission is share the best teaching methods and resources with all homeschoolers. Amy supports parents through her podcasts, webinars, and online training for homeschoolers on her website
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