The Joy of Teaching

Sharing creative ideas and lessons to help children learn

Writers' Workshop Task Cards

Writers’ Workshop: Writing Activities and Free Writing Prompt Task Cards


Creative writing task cardsEngage students’ interest in creative writing with story prompt task cards and hands-on writing centers. Developing students’ writing takes practice and hard work throughout the year. Including writing centers within your weekly curriculum will give your students continual practice and provide a weekly spotlight on students’ writing progress. These creative writing centers offer students topics and story starters to get them started and help them learn the parts of a story.

Click here to get your free writing prompt task cards:

Writing Center Activities

Who What When Where Task Cards

Sample of “Who, Where, When, What” Task Cards

Who, Where, When, What Story Center Grades 1–3

Students use the four W’s to create a story outline. They select one card from each of the four cans provided to form the outline of a story, then add their own details.


  • Four small cans
  • Colored construction paper 5″ x 13″
  • Can covers that say who, where, when, what
  • Who, where, when, what cards (laminate more than one card for each can). Use the link above to download your free cards!

Steps to Follow:

  • Cover each can with colored construction paper
  • Glue the can covers to the cans
  • Cut the cards apart and place them in the cans
  • Set the cans at the center

Story Prompt Task Cards Grades 1–6

Story Prompt Task Cards

Sample of Story Prompt Task Cards, GR 1-6

Students choose one story prompt and write a story about it. For older students, choose a type of fiction for students to focus on, such as realistic, historical, mystery, adventure, fantasy, or science fiction.


  • Story prompts (Use the link above to get your free Writing Prompt Task Cards)
  • Attach prompts to colored construction paper and laminate. (Optional)
  • Storage box or can

Steps to Follow:

  • Students choose a story prompt
  • Students write a story about the prompt. Students should do the following in their stories:
    • Name and describe characters
    • Describe the time and location of the setting
    • Select a point of view: first person or third person
    • Plan story events (make sure there is a climax)
  • Outline the story for the beginning, middle, and end
  • Write the story

How to Write a StoryEngage your students’ interest in writing by providing creative opportunities for them to express themselves. For more writing center activities, check out How to Write a Story.

Writing Fabulous Sentences & Paragraphs, Grades 1-3To help students progress from writing sentences to paragraphs, check out the scaffolded lessons in Writing Fabulous Sentences and Paragraphs, available for grades 1–3 and 4–6.

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Heather Foudy is a certified elementary teacher with over 7 years’ experience as an educator and volunteer in the classroom. She enjoys creating lessons that are meaningful and creative for students. She is currently working for Evan-Moor’s marketing and communications team and enjoys building learning opportunities that are both meaningful and creative for students and teachers alike.

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