The Joy of Teaching

Sharing creative ideas and lessons to help children learn

Daily Summer Activities Homeschool Review

A Homeschool Review of Evan-Moor’s Daily Summer Activities


Daily Summer Activities Homeschool Review

Summer is right around the corner (don’t the kids do an excellent job reminding us of this?) and by that time, we all need a break from the normal routine! As a former elementary school teacher turned homeschooling mom, I firmly believe that it is vital for kiddos to have a break from their normal school routine during the summer (or if your child attends year-round), but to keep “one foot in the door” so that dreaded summer slide does not happen. And let me tell you from classroom experience, any teacher can easily tell who practiced facts, read books and touched base, on other subject areas over the summer.

It can be overwhelming to put together curriculum pieces for summertime, especially for parents. Sure, teachers can pull materials together in a snap because they know what they like and trust. Many times, parents do not know what direction to turn in and might consider any book that’s available. Well, like life, that’s not always the best way to approach it.

When I taught, I constantly had Evan-Moor books being rotated in my curriculum. Parents spoke highly of the work that was completed in the classroom and also sent home. Now as a homeschooling mom, I use many of their resources for my children and continue to have incredible success with them! Even though I keep a traditional school calendar with my children with the summer months not in session, I am adamant about keeping up with math facts, reading comprehension, and basic language arts applications. Instead of taking forever to compile materials for my kids, I wanted a book that had all of the content I desired so the kids could write in it and make it their own.

From a Teacher’s Point of View…

Vocabulary ActivityI was THRILLED when I received my Evan-Moor Daily Summer Activities workbooks in the mail. From a teacher’s perspective, these are the first things that I noticed and was most excited about:

  • The workbook pages are not limited to one grade. They are formatted for what your child just completed and will be entering in the fall (many call this “rising”). Meaning it is not going to be material they are not familiar with; the intention is for a refresh and review instead!
  • There are ten weeks of lessons included. This is perfect for the summer weeks, or, if your crew attends year-round school, the workbook can be a great resource for those stretches of time.
  • There is an overview in the beginning to show parents which concepts will be covered each week. This is a lifesaver, especially for tutors using the book, so they know what areas they can expand on and extend lessons, whether more reinforcement was needed, or if the child just took to the topic extremely well (“light bulb moment!”).
  • The curriculum is excellent, and the skills covered each week reach benchmarks and appropriate grade expectations. It is truly a one-stop shop where you can feel confident that you made the right choice.
  • Each week comes with a reading log for 20 minutes of daily reading Monday through Friday. Can we say accountability?!
  • Each workbook page is clearly labeled with which day it is to be completed on.
  • There are stickers enclosed for encouragement! Evan-Moor Daily Summer Activities

Pacing and Completion of Book

Of course the first thing that parents think of is how long will this take my kids? How can I convince them to complete it? This is the great part; each day covers one workbook page that is front and back. As mentioned above, I want my kids to have a break during summer, but keep some of the essentials current during this time. The workbook can be completed anywhere, too! It is not limited to the kitchen table; you can easily get creative and have them complete it outside, underneath a homemade fort, or even in the car during a road trip. Completing these lessons every day will certainly help carry over previously learned material. homeschool summer school

Expanding on Lessons

The books provide excellent opportunities to expand on many of the skills/topics featured. For instance, geography is a feature every week. Expand your Daily Summer Activities lessons with some hands-on activities that relate to the topics within your weekly lessons, such as:

  • Poster board map: Use a piece of poster board to have your kids create their own map/map key of their choice!
  • Geography research: Your child could easily research one of the countries featured in the book and create a tri-fold on that country’s facts and then try to cook something that locals eat.
  • Handwriting practice: Whip out an old cookie sheet and spray shaving cream on it and have them practice on there. Other ideas include markers for windows, bathtub crayons, cotton swabs dipped in paint, and even the old-fashioned stick and sand!

What Did the Kids Say?

Homeschool summer learningMy crew was incredibly receptive to these workbooks! They loved the variety of assignments to be completed and never felt bored or tired of the work even though they knew what to expect. The layout of the pages was easy for them to follow and never caused frustration, which would never be the intent of a summer enrichment book. They were also pleased with how much work space was given so everything could be solved on the actual workbook page instead of having to use a separate piece of loose leaf paper. Naturally, the drawing pages were a huge hit!

In closing, the most valuable thing to remember when working with your child during the summer months is to make it enjoyable for all and make those special memories! I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it!

Best, Emilie

For an inside view of Daily Summer Activities, click here! Daily Summer Activities





Emilie H. is a former elementary school teacher who currently homeschools her children. She has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education (K-5) and Learning and Behavior Disorders (K-12). She is very passionate about planning and mapping curriculum and creating meaningful experiences for her children!

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