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Inquiry-Based Science

Inquiry-Based Science: How to Use the 5E Model to Support Science Standards


Inquiry-Based Science

Subatomic particles. Electromagnetic energy. Cosmic black holes.

Science can seem intimidating, wrapped up in some of the most challenging vocabulary. Yet the single word of inquiry—why—is the secret password at the doorway of science. Thankfully, young minds are naturally curious.

In inquiry-based science instruction, the teacher’s role shifts from knowledge provider to experience facilitator. Much of science needs to be witnessed through the senses to be understood, and the more authentic, the better. Approaches using multiple phases of inquiry, knowledge-building, and application, such as the 5E model, have been used effectively and support Next Generation Science Standards.

How the 5E Model Works and Ways to Apply It

While the components generally happen in a logical flow throughout a lesson or a unit, they can be reiterated as needed, depending on what makes sense for the material being taught. Here is a general idea of the purpose and order of each main component.

Engage: Start out by sparking students’ natural sense of wonder.

  • Show a photo or video of an interesting phenomenon or do a demonstration.
  • Ask an intriguing question that students are likely to wonder about and facilitate a discussion about it.
  • Involve the students as actively as possible to stimulate their thinking.

It is important during this phase to elicit prior knowledge and preconceptions. This helps you connect new concepts to what they know and correct any misapprehensions as the lesson progresses.

Explore: Start converting students’ wonder into learning, giving them an opportunity to work directly with an element of the concept.

  • In free or guided exploration, children interact with one or more materials to see what happens.
  • In model-building, children are guided or challenged to construct a model of something that uses the concept being observed, allowing manipulation on a child-size scale.
  • In an investigation, children follow a given procedure designed to show particular outcomes so they can work through the cause and effect.
  • In an experiment, children follow a more formal process to design and test a hypothesis, collect data, analyze results, and draw a conclusion.

Explain: Present grade-level information in oral, written, and/or graphic form. Now that students have some recent experience with the topic, this will provide a framework for new learning.

Evaluate: Check that students have understood and are able to accurately use what they’ve learned so far. This can include:

  • Formative assessment of new vocabulary and basic comprehension of the information presented.
  • Summative assessment at the end of the unit that would include open-ended questions tapping into higher-order thinking, such as generalizing, extrapolating, and theorizing.

Extend: Provide tasks or projects that allow children to go beyond the knowledge they have acquired and incorporate it into their thinking and their lives.

  • This can include tasks that allow children to elaborate on what they’ve learned, in which they apply their new knowledge to different and/or hypothetical situations, demonstrating transfer of learning.
  • Students can also take on meaningful projects that rely on using their new-found knowledge and process skills; these projects may be the seeds to effecting change in their community.

Evan-Moor’s Science Lessons and Investigations for grades 3–6 applies the 5E model to guide students through exploring science concepts. It inspires students to explore real-world science topics through a variety of lessons and activities.

Download free sample units here!


Benefits and Applications of Science Inquiry

Bringing students to the learning table is half the battle. Inquiry does that and more:

  • It starts the flow of questions, as each observation may lead to more wondering.
  • It breaks the right/wrong answer mold that can cause fear and reluctance in many students. True science is about discovering answers, not memorizing them.
  • It’s social and cooperative, modeling the real-life science practice of collaboration.
  • It’s memorable—active participation is indelible; passive exposure is not.

With today’s current trajectory of science technology growth, more students than ever before will end up in a science-related career. Elementary-school students will have jobs that don’t exist today, some of which we can’t even conceive of yet. These careers will involve solving problems in a wide range of fields:

  • More effective and less risky medical treatments
  • Greener and safer transportation options
  • More Earth-friendly materials engineering and recycling methods
  • Sustainable and healthful agricultural practices
  • More efficient renewable energy

While much is known about our universe, the process used to gain that knowledge is really the star of the science show. How science is done, rather than what has been done, takes center stage in the classroom.

Basic Principles of Real-World Science

No matter what model you use, it’s important that students realize that science involves asking questions about how the world works and trying to find the answers. It is a living, breathing discipline based on observations, evidence, testing theories—and a LOT of research using many methods. Much of real-world science actually involves constructive failure, in which potential answers are tested and found to be incorrect. Non-answers are a valuable part of the trek toward understanding. Make your students aware of these basic principles:

  • Record what happens when observing, exploring, or investigating. There are no right or wrong answers.
  • Science is about trial and error. If something doesn’t work, you’re learned a little more about it. Try something different next time.
  • Creativity is sometimes needed to come up with new ideas to test or ways to investigate something.

Inquiry is the fuel of science knowledge. Find a way to capture that sense of wonder in a bottle, and you can light a young mind for life.

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Kathy Jorgensen has been an educator most of her life, starting as a peer tutor in second grade and tutoring her way through high school and college. After teaching grades 2 through 12, she spent two decades editing standardized tests. Kathy happily returned to her teaching roots, providing instruction and practice in Evan-Moor’s math and science products. When she’s not polishing words on the page, Kathy is flitting down the dance floor indulging her passion for Scottish country dancing as a dancer, choreographer, and teacher.

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