Whether in the classroom or at home, children will need to tell what time it is, count how long there is until recess, and be able to tally their allowances all on their own. Teaching these skills can be fun with the right educational support! Check out these activities and lessons that help make teaching time and money to children simple!
Time Flies (Telling Time/Calculating Elapsed Time) Grades 2-3
This unit features a “Take it to Your Seat, Math Center” activity, where students will practice telling time and using math skills to calculate elapsed time. The unit provides task cards to direct students and clock models so students can draw the time to help them calculate. Find this unit on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Telling Time on Alarm Clock PreK-Kindergarten
This “Take it to Your Seat” unit features a simple paper bag project where students will craft paper clocks and match time (to the hour). The unit includes directions, a bag illustration page, task cards of clocks, and an activity page. Get this unit here, on Teachers Pay Teachers.
In Just One Minute (Telling Time) 3rd Grade
This lesson includes five activity pages, which includes activities about telling time to the minute, identifying the time of day, and calculating elapsed time. The unit also provides a standardized math test for students to test their knowledge. Visit Teachers Pay Teachers to purchase this lesson.
Telling Time (Common Core Math) 1st Grade
This “Take it to Your Seat” center supports 1 common core math skills, helping students to practice telling time. The unit also supplies a written practice activity to follow the center, and teacher instructions. Find this unit on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Father Time (Time Word Problems) Grades 4-6
Pair up your students for this two-person math center, where students solve word problems and pair them with the solution cards to win the Father Time card! This unit includes directions, materials, word problems, a file folder, and solution cards. Get this unit here, on the Teachers Pay Teachers website.
Time for the money activities!
Money Machines (Function Tables with Money) Grades 2-3
This “Take it to Your Seat” math center where students select task cards and use their multiplication skills and develop a table that counts money value. The unit provides a file folder that contains directions, task cards, and answer forms. Find this unit on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Money Match (Money/Calculating Sums) Grades 3-4
This math center helps students practice identifying coins and bills based on their value. The unit is a “Take it to Your Seat” center, and includes a file folder that provides directions, task cards for students, and teacher answer forms. Buy this unit on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Small Change (Ten-Minute Activities) Grades 6-8
“Small Change” is a ten minute math activity: students will listen to a word problem and use their math skills and money knowledge to figure out different combinations of change that answer the problem. Click here to buy this unit on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Coins (Two Ten-Minute Activities) Grades 3-5
“More Money” is the first ten-minute activity, where students practice identifying the value of coins based on pictures. It is followed by “The Money in My Pocket” where the teacher says which coins they have, and students respond with how much money that is. Get this unit here, on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Solving Problems Using Money Grade 2
This unit includes five activity pages where students solve combinations of coins and bills to solve creative problems. It also includes an assessment page in test-prep format for students to test their knowledge. Find this unit on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Tic-Tac-Toe (Money Values and Equivalent Amounts) Grade 3
In addition to a standardized math test, this third grade unit includes five activity pages where students identify the values of coins and bills, write equivalent or greater amounts, and play tic tac toe! Get this unit on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Tips for Teaching Time and Money
Teaching students about time and money can be simple with the right lessons and activities. Encourage your students to practice at home with their families with these tips:
- Ask students what time it is using digital and analog clocks
- Discuss different ways to talk about time such as “quarter after, “half-past”
- Ask students how much time will pass before or after an event. This will help them understand elapsed time.
- Discuss dollars and coins and their value. Include a conversation about which types of money are more logical to use when making purchases.
- Have students count change received from a purchase. Make it more difficult by telling them the price of the item purchased and asking them to confirm change.
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Christine Wooler has experience working with children as a youth soccer coach and summer camp counselor. She is currently studying English Literature and journalism in college. She enjoys exploring educational topics that help students have fun while learning.