The Joy of Teaching

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Real-World Writing Free Lessons and Activities


It’s a common misconception that students’ academic writing only benefits them in the classroom. With real-world writing projects and instruction, students will learn how to apply their writing skills in authentic career settings! Weekly Real-World Writing is a classroom resource that supplements writing instruction with applicable, real-life examples and activities.

Why is Real-World Writing Important?
While developing students’ writing skills is critical for their academic success, it’s also a vital part of their interaction in the “real world.” What this resource aims to do is demonstrate how students can use the skills they’re learning right now—in their everyday lives, outside of school.

Students will learn new skills, as well as how to apply what they already know in realistic, engaging ways. They will also be encouraged to engage in the world around them and use their personal skills and strengths to make a difference.

Motivating Reluctant Writers
Real-world applications of writing are also an opportunity to motivate students who may be reluctant to write. Students who dislike writing probably haven’t experienced writing about something that really interests them. With realistic opportunities, students can apply their skills to topics or forms of writing that engage them personally and show writing as a skill outside of the classroom.

Motivate students to write by offering creative outlets and real-world topics that apply to them, as well as encouraging the idea of “no wrong answers” with writing assignments.

Download these free writing activities here!


Each unit includes:

  • Teacher overview
  • Examples
  • Graphic organizers
  • Two writing prompts
  • Additional extension activities

Invitation-Writing Activity Grades 1–2

Teach students how to write an invitation with this free writing unit.

Each unit includes lesson instructions, visual examples, graphic organizers, and two writing prompts (one for beginning writers and one for more-experienced writers).

After reviewing writing examples and learning how to organize information, students will have two writing tasks where they can write invitations to a graduation party and a Valentine’s Day party. They can use their new skills to write the invitation on the template provided, and then decorate the invitations too! The extension activity allows students to get creative and make up their own holiday, event, or party they want to invite friends and family to.

Meal-Review Activity Grades 3–4

This evaluative writing activity challenges students to learn about restaurant reviews and write their own. Read the teacher page to understand how restaurant reviews impact our everyday lives and to understand each component of this lesson.


Students, after having read the example restaurant review, will get to discuss whether they’d eat at this restaurant based on what they read. Then, they’ll use the creative graphic organizer to describe their thoughts on their meal and the restaurant and give an overall rating.


In the writing tasks, students are challenged to write two restaurant reviews based on the information in the prompts; the two prompts vary in information so students must think critically and creatively to write their reviews. The extension activity asks students to write a real-life review about their favorite restaurant using the skills they just learned.


Writing a Blog Activity Grades 5–6

Students can also practice their creativity and express themselves with writing a blog! This teacher page discusses the components of writing a blog, as well as how to be internet safe with blogs or vlogs, before overviewing each part of the unit lesson.


Then, students will read a blog entry example and be able to identify different components of a blog post before crafting their own.

In the graphic organizer section, students will identify their ideas for the focus, details, organization, and graphics of their blog post, along with a helpful proofread checklist that will keep their work error free.


The writing tasks challenge students with writing two blog posts, one about Food and Fitness, the other about Public Transportation. The prompts challenge students to think and write creatively, while also using critical thinking skills and other writing skills. 

The extension activity lets students write a blog post about anything they want! This sparks interest, engages students, and motivates reluctant writers.


Real-world writing helps students make connections between real-life situations and the skills they are learning within the classroom. The activities within Weekly Real-World Writing not only provide the writing practice students need, but the lessons also include creative outlets that teach important skills for every type of learner in the classroom. Not everyone will become a writer in a future career, but every student will need real-world writing experience to succeed.

Christine Wooler has experience working with children as a youth soccer coach and summer camp counselor. She is currently studying English Literature and journalism in college. She enjoys exploring educational topics that help students have fun while learning.

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