At the end of this post, you will find a link to our homeschool math curriculum guide for you to download and print.
Building a homeschool curriculum for math can be quick and easy with Evan-Moor, so let’s explore some options!
Reviewing math skills is important to help both kids and parents see what math skills have been mastered and which math skills still need more practice.
Yes, you can get out flashcards, but Evan-Moor’s Daily Math Practice provides a 5-minute math warm-up activity for each day of the week. It covers multiple areas of math with zero prep.
Use Daily Math Practice for frequent, focused practice to improve math skills. Students complete five short math problems on days 1–4. The day 5 activity provides more extensive practice and asks students to think critically.
After a quick warm-up, your child is ready to learn new math skills. My kids are thrilled with Evan-Moor’s Math Fundamentals.
The lessons and the practice pages are both focused and easy to follow, so it decreases the amount of time we spend practicing math skills.
Math Fundamentals is ideal to teach new math skills to your child. Each unit focuses on a skill or concept and provides math models to help your child learn to solve problems. The math model pages are genius and make teaching (and learning) so simple!
The last activity in each unit uses both the math skills and problem-solving strategies together in one story problem. It is a great way to see if your child can apply his or her new math skills in a real-life story problem.
Once your child has been taught new math skills, it is wise to help him or her practice these skills in new ways to strength math fluency and confidence!
Evan-Moor has several options that you can use.
Use Daily Word Problems to invite your child to solve math problems in real life situations. One word problem a day is a quick way to build confidence!
The kids enjoy the weekly topics of the word problems, and it is fun to see them excited to complete one word problem a day successfully while keeping problem-solving skills sharp.
If you are looking for colorful, hands-on activities for independent practice, use Take It to Your Seat Centers: Math as assignments for practice and to apply skills in new ways.
Each center activity is listed by topic, so you can easily click on each title you would like your child to practice.
The center activities can be completed in any order, as long as the skills have been taught to the child. Each center activity includes a follow-up activity for your child to complete.
Finally, Building Math Fluency is one of my two absolute favorite Evan-Moor books (the other is Hands-on Thinking Activities) because it shows kids multiple strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
The goal is not for kids to master all of the strategies, but rather to give them options to find strategies that match how their brain naturally thinks about math.
Building Math Fluency has given my kids confidence to solve math problems in more than one way. It also teaches them to check their own work using a second method – just to make sure they get the same answer both ways.
You can use any of these Evan-Moor titles to supplement something that is missing from your current math curriculum.
Access all of these resources as a TeacherFileBox subscriber:
I prefer to access all of these titles for one price per family as a TeacherFileBox subscriber.
Just in case you aren’t familiar with TeacherFileBox, it is the single most valuable resource in our homeschooling! It provides all of our curriculum resources for academic skills, and it saves us both time and money.
TeacherFileBox is a digital collection of lesson plans and learning activities from over 450 of Evan-Moor’s publications. One of my favorite features of TeacherFileBox is that you can browse for lessons by Evan-Moor title.
We print out some titles (like Math Fundamentals and Take It to Your Seat Centers). We often go “green” with Daily Math Practice and Daily Word Problems by just reading the problems on the computer screen and answering on our dry erase boards, on our chalkboard, or orally.
Being a TeacherFileBox subscriber gives me access to all grade levels of teaching resources. Other curriculum resources require you to pay per grade level. However, all available grade levels are included in your subscription!
Your Homeschool Math Curriculum Guide:
We have put together a quick homeschool math curriculum guide for you that shares some additional information about the resources in this blog post. Click here to download your homeschool math curriculum guide!
For additional guides by subject area, see Homeschool Curriculum Resources and Guides.
What questions do you have about building a homeschool math curriculum?
Do you want to know how to use these resources with a curriculum you already have?
Post your comments and questions below, and let’s simplify your homeschool math curriculum!
Amy Michaels is a certified teacher with 11 years of elementary classroom experience who is actively homeschooling her own children. Her mission is share the best teaching methods and resources with all homeschoolers. Amy supports parents through her podcasts, webinars, and online training for homeschoolers on her website