The Joy of Teaching

Sharing creative ideas and lessons to help children learn

September 17, 2014
by Evan-Moor

5 Practical Tips for a Less Stressful School-Day Morning for Mom

Mom and young son eating breakfastIt’s back-to-school time, and if you’re like me, the mornings haven’t been as easy as they were during the summer break.

I’m envious of those who implement the ambitious ideas and tips on Pinterest boards, such as:

While these are clever ideas, this type of organization doesn’t always fit my family’s lifestyle, and adds the pressure of more to-do’s. So for those of you who are in pure survival mode (like me), read on…

In my humble opinion, it starts with taking care of you first:

  1. Get at least 8 hours of rest. You probably started sleep deprivation with pregnancy, if not sooner. Going to bed earlier—closer to when your children go to bed—will help improve your mood and cognitive functions for activities like multi-tasking or driving a car. Learn more with this article: Sleep Deprivation: The Dark side of Parenting.
  2. Set your alarm before the kids wake up. I find this the most helpful, even if it’s as little as 15 minutes earlier. Waking up before the kids gives me time to take my shower, drink a cup of coffee, do some reading, catch up on email, or walk the dogs.
  3. Provide 1–3 options for breakfast. Better yet, decide the night before. As the morning groans begin, you don’t want to delay the best way of starting the day: eating a healthy breakfast. So, give your children options for breakfast that you can handle preparing, or better yet, decide the night before so you have things pre-planned and ready when they wake up. Check out Martha Stewart’s 30 quick and easy breakfast ideas including parfaits, smoothies, and breakfast sandwiches.
  4. Plan your outfit. Yes, Mom, this means you. As much as we hear about setting clothes out for our children, especially those of us with daughters, it is as important for you to know what you are wearing so you are not slowing down the morning routine or getting frustrated at the last minute wondering what you will wear.
  5. Get ready the night before. Pack the children’s homework, plan lunches and snacks, pack sports bags, set reminders out for your spouse about soccer practice or picking up milk on the way home. If these things are done the night before, it will help you sleep better and help to ensure nothing is forgotten the next day.

We want to start the day for ourselves, spouse, and children as calmly and organized as possible. This doesn’t mean you have to rearrange your house and label every single thing. Instead, I recommend taking some time out for you, do a bit more pre-planning, and definitely get more sleep.

I hope these tips are helpful for you. Please share your own practical school morning routines below.

Contributing Writer

Trisha Thomas is the mother of two and serves on the board of directors at a co-op preschool. She has also been a marketer of educational materials for grades PreK–8 for more than 15 years.

September 12, 2014
by Evan-Moor
1 Comment

Tips for a Successful Back-to-School Night

Image of owl with the words welcome back to schoolTo say that my first back-to-school night as a teacher was a bit nerve racking would be an understatement! However, through the years, I learned some invaluable lessons that helped me build confidence and set the stage for an outstanding year.

Back-to-school night tips:

  • Create a sign-in sheet and a parent volunteer sign-up sheet for specific responsibilities that haven’t been filled. (See sample sign-in form.)
  • Create an agenda, print copies, and make them available for parents at the sign-in table. Your professionalism and organizational skills will impress parents. (Provide pens and paper for note taking, too!)
  • Compose your introduction to parents and try to memorize it. This will get you through the initial jitters and help you exude confidence, warmth, and conviction.
  • Shake the hands of parents as they are entering the room and finding a place to sit.
  • Place informational flyers at the sign-in table (or on the desks) so that parents can have something to read while waiting for the program to begin.
  • Help parents locate their child’s desk. Here is a cute idea using students’ self-portraits.
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation of the vital information and/or a parent packet. Topics to cover include: Common Core Standards information; tips for reading with your child; homework expectations and sample of exemplary homework packet or assignment; report card sample with explanations of how scores are determined; clear and concise parent expectations and responsibilities; list of educational websites, etc.

Other ideas:

  • Have students make invitations for Back-to-School Night.
  • Have students write a letter to their parents and place it on their desks. (See sample letter form.)
  • Take photos of the students working in every curriculum area and throughout the day. Then, create a slideshow or PowerPoint presentation of ”A Day in the Life of a ______ Grader.” This will give parents (especially English language learner parents) a clear idea of what a day looks like for their child.
  • Ask parents to complete the “Tell Me About Your Child” form and to write a letter back to their child. (See parent letter form.)
  • Videotape students introducing themselves, talking about their goals for the year, what career path they want to follow, etc. Keep each video well under one minute! Then, create a simple movie of the clips. PARENTS LOVE THIS!

Do you have other ideas for a smooth back-to-school night? If so, please share!

Contributing Writer

Image of Blog Contributor Alice EvansAlice Evans is a forty-year veteran National Board Certified elementary classroom teacher and a published author. She recently retired from the San Diego Unified School District and has published a children’s chapter book entitled Torrey Pines Summer.

September 3, 2014
by Evan-Moor

What Every Parent Should Know About Common Core State Standards

What every parent should know about Common Core chalkboard imageIf you live in one of the 43 states that have adopted Common Core State Standards, you have probably heard about the new standards and may have questions or opinions about them.

As a parent of a kindergartner and a first grader, I am sharing resources I found particularly helpful in better understanding Common Core. Before you review the resources below, it is important to understand what the standards are and what they are not.

  • The Common Core State Standards tell teachers what students need to learn, not how to teach them.
  • Common Core State Standards are not a curriculum, but rather a roadmap of what each student should know by the end of the school year.
  • The standards are organized by grade level (Grades K–12) and two curriculum areas: English Language Arts and Math.
  • The standards provide details of the skills or concepts students are expected to learn for each grade level and subject areas (e.g., Language, Reading, Literature, Writing).

Here are examples of two Common Core State Standards for Grade 1:

  • Math: Measurement and Data, Grade 1 (MATH.CONTENT.1.MD.B.3): Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.
  • Language: Conventions of Standard English, Grade 1 (ELA-LITERACY.L.1.2.B): Use end punctuation for sentences.

It is important to note that the standards do not tell a teacher how to approach the lesson on time or punctuation. Meaning, the standards are not lesson plans. A teacher instructs students using materials that the school or district provides, such as a core textbook or core curriculum.

The Common Core standards are simply there for guidance of what to teach for each grade level and curriculum area. This guidance often provides an opportunity for educators to collaborate and provide better feedback to us (parents) to help our children succeed.

Here are my five favorite resources to help you understand Common Core State Standards:

  1. A 3-minute video explaining the Common Core State Standards.
  1. A complete list of standards by subject area and grade level.
  1. Parent guides to help you understand what your child will be learning in each grade level and how you can help.
  1. What every parent should know about Common Core State Standards.
  1. Your child’s teacher: Reach out to your child’s teacher to get familiar with the curriculum selected and why/how your teacher will be addressing the Common Core State Standards.

Contributing Writer

Trisha Thomas is the mother of two and serves on the board of directors at a co-op preschool. She has also been a marketer of educational materials for grades PreK–8 for more than 15 years.

August 27, 2014
by Evan-Moor

The Case for Keeping Handwriting Practice in Our Schools

picture of handwriting practice on lined paperIs handwriting here to stay? With our increased use of technology and day-to-day texting, typing, and tweeting, it’s no surprise that handwriting is suffering and may seem like a “lost art.” However, the scientific and psychological research supporting handwriting provides evidence that handwriting should be an integral part of the curriculum from preschool through high school.

Of the many reasons to keep handwriting instruction in our schools, here are two that I find most interesting:

1. Learning to write by hand is connected to reading acquisition–while typing and even tracing are not.

Research shows that teaching young children to write letters activates part of the brain that becomes crucial to reading. The act of shaping and forming letters develops successful phonological processing in early emergent readers and writers:

 “The emerging consensus is that the motor experience of manually creating letterforms helps children discriminate the essential properties of each letter, which leads to more accurate representations, bolstering both skilled letter recognition and later reading fluency.” For more information see this article: “Neuroimaging correlates of handwriting quality as children learn to read and write.”

Another study, “The influence of writing practice on letter recognition in preschool children,” compared the differences between handwriting and typing for children 3 to 5 years old. The results showed that handwriting training contributed to the visual recognition of letters more effectively than typing training, among the older children in the test group.

2. Handwriting helps the brain process information.

Taking notes by hand has proven to help students better absorb and retain information in comparison to typing on a keyboard. In a white paper from the educational summit, Handwriting in the 21st Century?, Dr. Virginia Berninger of the University of Washington reported that “after studying students in Grades 2, 4, and 6, those who used handwriting wrote more words, wrote words faster, and expressed more ideas than those who used keyboarding.”

In recent studies by two psychologists, Pam A. Mueller of Princeton and Daniel M. Oppenheimer of UCLA, college students who took notes by hand performed better than those who took notes on a laptop:

“In three studies, we found that students who took notes on laptops performed worse on conceptual questions than students who took notes longhand. We show that whereas taking more notes can be beneficial, laptop note takers’ tendency to transcribe lectures verbatim rather than processing information and reframing it in their own words is detrimental to learning.”

How to Keep Handwriting Alive

In her commentary entitled “Educating Students in the Computer Age to Be Multilingual By Hand,” Dr. Virginia Berninger offers this strategy to incorporate handwriting in the busy school day: “One effective, research-supported strategy is to teach handwriting at the beginning of lessons as “warm-up,” just as athletes do warm-up exercises before a game and musicians do warm-up exercises before a concert. The warm-up is then followed by spelling and composing instructional activities. Handwriting instruction does not have to take up valuable time for meeting other Common Core standards.”

Daily Handwriting Practice book coverIf you’re looking to improve your child’s handwriting at home or add handwriting instruction to your lesson plan, Evan-Moor’s Daily Handwriting Practice is a solution. Daily exercises in small doses help to practice and improve handwriting skills.

Handwriting, printing, and keyboarding all have their place in school and in preparing students for college and careers in the 21st Century. After all, Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs was a talented calligrapher!

Contributing Writer

Image of Theresa WoolerTheresa Wooler has more than 10 years’ experience in K–6 classrooms as a parent volunteer, has taught high school English, and is currently involved in education through Evan-Moor’s marketing communications team.

August 21, 2014
by Evan-Moor

How to Tell If Your Child Needs Glasses

The American Optometric Association estimates that as much as “80% of the learning a child does occurs through his or her eyes.”

Eye ExamDr. Karen Taugher, a parent and optometrist, points out that children’s eyesight can seemingly change quickly and that children may not even realize that they have poor vision. These undetected vision problems can cause frustration in school when a child can’t see the board or focus on deskwork.

As your child heads back to school, Dr. Taugher recommends looking out for signs that your child may need glasses:

  • Squinting: the classic sign that a child is struggling to see near or far
  • Holding one eye: a child may cover one eye while reading or focusing on something in the distance, such as the television
  • Eye rubbing: eye strain may cause fatigue and you will notice your child rubbing his or her eyes after reading or doing homework
  • Headaches: frequent headaches in the frontal region or brow may be a result of squinting
  • Difficulty reading: a child who is a reader may have trouble keeping his or her place while reading

Other signs include:

  • Short attention span
  • Complete avoidance of reading
  • Tilting the head to one side
  • An eye turning in or out
  • Seeing double
  • Difficulty remembering what he or she read

Next steps

If you suspect that your child has problems with vision, schedule an eye exam with an optometrist or ophthalmologist. The American Optometric Association recommends that children receive a comprehensive eye exam at least once every two years, or more frequently if risk factors or specific problems exist. A child’s first eye exam should be conducted no later than 5 years of age. Eye issues can be treated and often corrected with early diagnosis.

Good vision contributes to success in school!

Contributing Writer

Image of Theresa WoolerTheresa Wooler has more than 10 years’ experience in K–6 classrooms as a parent volunteer, has taught high school English, and is currently involved in education through Evan-Moor’s marketing communications team.

August 19, 2014
by Evan-Moor

Classroom Success Kit: 10 Favorite Resources

Part of the excitement and challenge of education is that teachers have to be ready at a moment’s notice to meet the needs of any child who walks through the door. I can’t even count the number of times that I would take notice of the hum of activity in my classroom, feeling extremely grateful for the collection of resources that helped make it possible for me to engage students with diverse needs.

Here is a list of my ten all-time favorite resources:

  1. Evan-Moor’s TeacherFileBox
    This is one of my favorite tools for quickly finding ideas and reproducible activities for differentiating instruction across many curricular subjects. Yearly individual subscriptions and school site subscriptions are available. Try it for free for 14 days!

  2. Awesome Primary Action Units by Carnes and Sutherland (P.E. and movement activities)
    Use this resource for planning developmentally appropriate P.E. movement activities that use simple equipment and require little or no prep time.
  3. PRIM (Pre-Referral Intervention Manual)
    I almost cried when I bought it, it was so expensive. However, this book proved itself over and over again. It was like having a committee of experts at my fingertips. This book proved valuable for implementing strategies, confirming strategies that I was already using, and preparing for SST and other meetings.
  4. Brain-Based Learning Resources
    Information regarding brain-based learning is helpful for understanding how learning occurs in the brain. This background knowledge can help you navigate through any trend in education—using learning strategies that work, while at the same time implementing changing curricular requirements. This article, Brain/Mind Learning Principles in Action, is a good starting point. There are also books available on brain-based learning.
  5. Common Core Top PicksCommon Core Curriculum Supplements
    If you are looking for ways to “tweak” your curriculum to meet the needs of the Common Core State Standards, there are some new resources available that are inexpensive and easy to implement, such as Evan-Moor’s Reading Informational Text, Reading Paired Text, Text-Based Writing, Take It to Your Seat Centers: Common Core Math, and Daily Math Practice. Use this link to download sample lessons from new Common Core resources and other Evan-Moor titles.
  6. Plan Book
    Most teachers I know carefully plan out their year, some with the help of technology. For me, paper and pencil was easiest for jotting down ideas and reference materials as needed. My favorite planning tool was the Evan-Moor Daily Plan Book, with extra pages for small group planning.
  7. Art Instruction Books
    Having a collection of art instruction books and projects helps integrate art into a busy day and integrate art with other subjects using uncomplicated supplies. Here are a few of my favorite resources:

  8. Evan-Moor Dailies
    The daily practice series help solve the “not enough minutes in the day” problem. The 15-minute mini-lessons make it possible to practice and review a wide range of topics in a short amount of time. Dailies include A Word a Day, Daily Academic Vocabulary, Daily Language Review, Daily Reading Comprehension, Daily Science, Daily Geography Practice, and Daily Math Practice.
  9. Free Online Articles/Groups
    I recommend exploring to find what you need. At most sites, you can stay connected by subscribing for free. A few examples are ASCD Learning Community, ASCD SmartBrief, Education Week, and Edmodo.
  10. Teaching Channel
    As teachers, we have little or no time to observe other classrooms in action. This website makes available to you a library of live short videos demonstrating various pedagogical topics. You can sign up for topics of interest and they will be dropped into your email inbox for you.

As a member of the education community, what resources do you find helpful?

Image of contributor Marti BeeckMarti Beeck started her career in education as a parent volunteer in her three children’s classrooms. Her teaching experience, including adult school, intervention, and the primary classroom, was inspired by her background in psychology and interest in brain-based learning. Marti currently works in the field of educational publishing as an editor.

August 14, 2014
by Evan-Moor

5 Ways to Organize Student Work

student folder with stickersHaving a place for students’ completed work and notes to go home may be the single most helpful organizational idea for your classroom. Here are some ideas to manage the paper flow:

  1. Hanging folder system: Cardboard pockets decorated with a nametag and/or photo can be hung on the wall or a bulletin board. Hanging folders can also be used in a file system for personalized homework activities or to gather student work for portfolios.
  2. Labeled shelf cubbies: Cover cereal boxes with contact paper and then stack them to create inexpensive cubbies. Covered cereal boxes (or plastic bins) can also be used to organize classroom library books by topic or to individualize reading materials for a student or center group.
  3. Take-home folders:
    • Card-stock pocket folders can be purchased inexpensively at seasonal school supply sales. When students return their folders, place a tiny sticker on the front of the folder. As the year progresses, students collect more stickers!
    • Give each student a large manila file folder to decorate. Open the folder to laminate it, then fold it and staple two sides. Cover the staples with fabric tape. Students can easily insert work and notes to take home throughout the school year.
    • See this blog post for suggestions of what to include in student folders for the first day of school.
  4. Pocket folders at students’ desks: Having a pocket folder at each student’s desk helps students stay organized and file work that needs to be finished.
  5. Prong-type binders: These binders can be kept in students’ desks to organize topical needs such as words to practice or songs and poems that are collected throughout the school year.

How to plan your school yearFor more organizational tips, bulletin board ideas, and classroom management ideas, see the Evan-Moor book How to Plan Your School Year.

Contributing Writer

Image of Theresa WoolerTheresa Wooler has more than 10 years’ experience in K–6 classrooms as a parent volunteer, has taught high school English, and is currently involved in education through Evan-Moor’s marketing communications team.

August 7, 2014
by Evan-Moor

3 Myths Surrounding the Common Core

I encounter a lot of misinformation about the Common Core State Standards. Let’s take a few moments to explore three of the most frequently encountered myths.

Common Core FactsMyth #1: Everything is changing!

Fact: While it’s true that the new standards may represent a different way of measuring student success, they’re not entirely new. The new standards are based on the most successful state standards, so they actually look familiar to many teachers. And since the Common Core State Standards don’t prescribe any particular curriculum or teaching style, you’re likely to find that many of your favorite teaching techniques and lesson plans still have a place in the CCSS classroom. Effective teaching is still effective teaching.

Myth #2: The Common Core State Standards are complicated and hard to understand.

Fact: The Common Core State Standards are detailed and specific. But once you understand the organization, and take a moment to familiarize yourself with a few terms, you’ll see that the standards are straightforward. There’s nothing about the standards that is “tricky.” They are logical. Understanding CCSS and meeting their requirements is well within the grasp of every teacher. Download your very own copy at and read it. You’ll see what I mean.

Myth #3: The new standards are a federal mandate, and politicians (not teachers) put them together.

Fact: The federal government wasn’t involved in the development of the CCSS. State governors and education commissioners led the initiative. Even though it’s unlikely that they asked you for your opinion, the standards most certainly weren’t created without teacher input! Actually, one of my favorite aspects of CCSS is the way in which teacher organizations were invited to provide individual teachers to help with the standards’ formation. These standards are research based, not politically motivated. And actual classroom teachers provided specific, concrete feedback at many steps along the way. Here are the teacher organizations whose members offered feedback:
• National Education Association (NEA)
• American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
• National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
• National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)

These are organizations that you might belong to. I’m confident that they represent us. And that’s why I believe that these new standards empower teachers more than many of the previous generations of standards did.

Contributing Writer

Contributor McKnightDr. Katie McKnight is an educator, author, and consultant. Her career in education began as a high school English teacher in the Chicago Public School system more than 20 years ago. She received her B.A. degree from George Washington University, her M.Ed. from Northeastern Illinois University, and her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Today, she serves as a Distinguished Professor of Research at National Louis University.

August 5, 2014
by Evan-Moor
1 Comment

Survival Tips for the First Day of School

No matter if this is your first year of teaching or your fortieth, the first day/week of school can be overwhelming. Here are some tips that just might help you survive those first challenging days.Back to School

Before the first day:

  1. Plan the first and most important day minute by minute… and then have more activities or fun Read Alouds in your “back pocket” for any unexpected down time. (I write an abbreviated version of the minute-by-minute schedule on a large index card for quick reference throughout the day.) This should counteract the spinning head/panic that might otherwise occur!
  2. Create a temporary rug placement chart or desk chart using any information you have about your new students.
  3. Use lined chart paper and write large headlines on each paper, such as When I Arrive At School; Before Recess; Lining Up For Recess; Walking in a Line, etc.  You can co-create the behavior rules/expectations charts throughout the first day of school. The charts can then be posted on the walls for the first weeks.
  4. Put up simple bulletin board headliners for each subject area that can stay up all year.  I like to create phrases:  Super Scientists, Future Authors of America, Math Detectives, Got A Problem?
  5. Organize and label all the folders
  6. Label all the school supplies, book boxes, etc., with student names
  7. Put names on the discipline card pockets (or your our own system) for use on the first day
  8. Copy all student paperwork for the first week (at least) and stack it up in order of use.
  9. Have name tags, books, temporary folded desk/name tags, first day fun packets, etc., organized on top of student desks.  (I use packing tape to mount laminated student desk identifiers on desk top book boxes instead of right on the desks. They will last all year and not peel off!  I use the smaller ones that have room for a small photo of the student along with the student’s name.  I save the large, fold-up name tags for substitutes.)

First Day/Week Tips:

  1. Keep your schedule handy on an index card.
  2. Focus on the students! Give each student a hug and wear a huge smile. All children deserve to feel welcomed, loved, and appreciated for who they are!
  3. If you feel nervous or uptight, take a deep breath, slow down, and act like everything is under control. The power of positive thinking works.
  4. I have the students get started right away on a fun packet of activities. Here are some ideas:
  5. While students are quietly working, I go around the room and take photos of each child (to be used for bulletin boards and name tags.) I greet and reassure the parents, take attendance, guide late students to their spots in the room, take a breath, etc.
  6. A lot of the first day is sensing when it is time to move on to the next item on the schedule. Be flexible!
  7. Before you have the students transition to the next item on the schedule, give explicit instructions and model when you can.
  8. Try to do as much as you can of the yearlong daily routines, such as: Calendar, Number of the Day, Problem of the Day, etc.
  9. Work together on the behavior rules/expectations charts.
  10. Use a soft, calm voice to set the tone of the classroom atmosphere.
  11. Use your discipline system from the get-go. Your goal is to make things as real and routine as possible from the beginning.
  12. Do a fun art or P.E. activity on the first day. I like to use a big bubble maker as a P.E. activity outside for my second graders. I call off numbers and children try to pop as many bubbles as they can!
  13. At the end of the busy day, read aloud a funny book and lavish praise on your new family of students! I hand out inexpensive medals or certificates to every student.  All students deserve to end their first day on a positive, happy note!

My final advice after teaching for more than thirty-five years:

Make it as real and routine as quickly as possible!

For example, it is easy to put off the challenging training involved in the rotations and routines. So, I start the all-important flexible Guided Reading groups on the Monday of the first full week of school. So much anecdotal information can be obtained about each student’s reading needs during the group time. I usually have three or four groups:  one group remains at their seats doing Daily Work such as Evan-Moor daily practice lessons;  one group is at the computers; one group is selecting and reading Independent Reading books; and one is meeting with me for Guided Reading.

Remember: get the routines flowing and the hard work will pay off down the road!

Contributing Writer

Image of Blog Contributor Alice EvansAlice Evans is a forty-year veteran National Board Certified elementary classroom teacher and is a published author. She recently retired from the San Diego Unified School District.

July 22, 2014
by Evan-Moor

How to Manage Back-to-School Stress and Anxiety with Food

Healthy foodHow do you cope with anxiety at the start of the school year? Believe it or not, making dietary changes can often ease the symptoms of anxiety. While diet alone cannot cure anxiety, healthy eating is one of the simplest ways to begin controlling anxiety to improve your mood, both inside and outside the classroom.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

The body is made up of 65–70% water, and every cell in the body needs water in order to function properly. The brain, heart, blood, joints, kidneys, and energy systems are most effective when the body is well hydrated. Hydration also flushes our bodies of excess waste and the toxins that can lead to illness.

Adding more water to your diet is one of the simplest things you can do to reduce stress. Many studies have found that dehydration affects as many as 25% of people with persistent stress, and dehydration is known to cause increased anxiety. So drink up—your body and nervous system will thank you!

Crucial Foods to Avoid

Before we look at foods that help ease anxiety, it’s important to minimize foods that contribute to anxiety. Examples of these foods include fried foods, stimulants such as sugar and caffeine, and alcoholic beverages.

Why do these foods cause increased anxiety? According to the Association for Comprehensive Neurotherapy, hypoglycemia has been linked to anxiety, so it is important to keep our blood sugar levels steady to avoid symptoms.

The concept is easy to understand if we look at the body in terms of regulating blood sugar levels. Every day, the main goal of the body is to maintain internal stability (homeostasis). For example, the body consistently and automatically regulates heart rate and body temperature, and eliminates toxins on a daily basis. When we are out of balance, our heart rate may increase or we might develop a fever from illness. The same holds true for blood sugar—it aims to be stable to maintain our energy levels.

When we take in foods that spike our blood sugar levels (caffeine, sugar, chocolate, etc.) or take in drinks that drop our blood sugar levels (alcohol), mood is affected and our ability to cope with stress is greatly impacted. In addition, some of these foods also cause dehydration (coffee, caffeine, alcohol) which affects mood, blood sugar and energy levels. As this happens, it leads to lower blood sugar, further increasing anxiety and impacting the body’s ability to stabilize.

Tryptophan – A Calming Natural Chemical

Tryptophan can produce chemicals in the brain that encourage relaxation and boost mood. Tryptophan is found in bananas, peanut butter, turkey, cheese, nuts, sesame seeds, seaweed, oats, and milk. Adding foods with tryptophan may ease symptoms of anxiety by allowing you to relax.

Healthy Fats for a Healthy Mood

Omega-3s – In the standard American diet, there is a lack of healthy fats due to a societal fear of fats contributing to weight gain. In actuality, healthy fats are essential to a healthy brain, heart, joints, and nervous system. A depletion of omega-3 fatty acids in the brain can be related to anxiety disorders, according to “The Anxiety Book: Developing Strength in the Face of Fear.” Adding sources of omega-3s such as fish, flaxseed, and nuts can help ease symptoms of anxiety.

Almonds – Almonds are rich in vitamins B2 and E, both of which help boost the immune system during times of stress. Just a quarter cup of almonds each day does the trick. The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests that adding a variety of B vitamins to your diet can help reduce anxiety.

AvocadoAvocados – Avocados are also rich in stress-relieving B vitamins and high in monounsaturated fat and potassium, which help to lower blood pressure.

Calming Whole Grains

Whole grains can have a powerful effect on anxiety. Eating whole grains can boost serotonin levels, which leads to relaxation and can help ease feelings of anxiety. Whole grains also work to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Studies have shown that true whole grains have several benefits, because they:

  • Are rich in magnesium, protecting the nervous system
  • Contain tryptophan, a calming neurotransmitter
  • Work to stabilize blood sugar for homeostasis
  • Are slower to digest; the body will use them throughout the day for sustainable energy

GrainsExamples of gluten-free whole grains include oats, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, and kasha. If you have a gluten sensitivity, read the labels to ensure the grains are milled in a factory that is gluten-free in order to avoid cross-contamination.

Get Your Greens On

Seaweed is a good alternative to whole grains for those who are gluten sensitive. Seaweed is not only rich in nutrients such as iodine, but it is also high in magnesium. Kelp and other seaweeds appear to be very high in tryptophan content as well.

Spinach is packed with magnesium, which helps regulate cortisol levels and promote feelings of well being. A cup of spinach fulfills 40 percent of your daily quota of magnesium. Adding spinach to your morning smoothie or to an egg dish will start your day off right. You can swap spinach for lettuce in a sandwich or add it to a salad. Steamed spinach takes about 3 minutes to prepare and can be used as a side dish. A handful of leaves can also be added to soup or stews.

Fruity Stress Busters

Blueberries are more than a delicious fruit because they are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that are beneficial for relieving stress. Just a handful of blueberries pack a powerful punch with the addition of vitamin C. When stressed, our bodies need vitamin C and antioxidants to repair and protect cells.

Peaches fall into this category as well because they have nutrients that appear to have a sedation (calming) effect.

Oranges – There’s a reason orange juice is said to be part of breakfast because vitamin C is known to lower blood pressure and the stress hormone, cortisol.

Bring on the Protein

Protein Sources. According to the Association for Comprehensive Neurotherapy, increasing protein intake can help alleviate feelings of anxiety. The Association reports that hypoglycemia has been linked to anxiety, and it is important to keep blood sugar steady to avoid symptoms. Individuals suffering from anxiety can add sources of protein to their diet, including chicken, fish, and lean beef, as well as vegan sources such as nuts and legumes or beans.

Herbs to the Rescue

Maca root is not exactly easy to find, but the powder can be added to several foods, smoothies and beverages. Maca be found in many health food stores. It’s believed that this root has more phytonutrients than nearly every type of fruit and vegetable. These phytonutrients include magnesium and iron—two important nutrients for controlling anxiety.

Herbal Teas – There are also herbal teas, such as kava, chamomile, and passionflower that can be valuable for reducing anxiety.

Contributing Writer

Image of blog contributor Leslie EdsallLeslie Edsall loves to work with people to simplify the noise and develop healthier habits through nutrition, yoga and self care. She is a Certified Health Coach, Health Education Specialist and Registered Yoga Teacher. Leslie offers a variety of online and in-person health coaching programs, teaches yoga, runs workshops in the DC area and leads wellness retreats. To learn more about Leslie visit:

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